This application is reserved for beneficiaries of the Parcours Emploi Santé.To find out more, ask a Pôle Emploi adviser and: you are going through a particularly stressful period, whether you want to adopt healthier lifestyles or want to develop your self-confidence, the My Job, My Health application is made to accompany you during your Health Job Journey!Discover your results in the different dimensions impacting your return to work (health, resources, environment, employment). Discuss with your referring psychologist and set the goals you want to achieve. Focus on your success with reminders and encouragement. Follow your progress by finding your route, the actions you have taken and those that you have yet to confirm to reach your goal.The My Job, My Health application was designed to be a real "pocket coach". It will help you stay motivated, not lose sight of your goal, improve your mood, your self-confidence and fight anxiety.